Ayushi Adarsh

Learning and sharing life

Hello Humans!

Don’t try to understand life rather understand humans, and you will experience the beauty of life and world around you

Recent Post

Journal, Your Everyday Partner

Journalling is like having a partner to whom you can ...

Sex Education

 In science sex is defined as one of basic needs ...

Taking Responsibility

 In science sex is defined as one of basic needs ...

Purpose of this website

Life is here & now
It's all about balance
People are gems, collect and keep them
Your perception matters


Intelligence test

Intelligence tests can provide individuals with a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses in cognitive abilities

Personality Test

Personality tests are useful tools for understanding oneself and others better. They can provide insight into

Career Counseling

career assessments,Their main goal is to help people make informed decisions about their careers, based on their skills, interests

Shee Shares

platform that allows users to participate in discussions, share information, ask questions, and provide answers on a wide range

Disability Rehabilitation

-disability rehabilitation plays an important role in promoting inclusion and improving the quality of life for individuals with disabilities

Anxiety & Panic

understand the underlying causes of their anxiety and panic attacks, and develop effective strategies to manage.

Handling dependency

These therapies are designed to help individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors, build coping skills.


for students with disabilities to ensure they receive appropriate educational services and accommodations that meet their needs.

Sign Language

Join our sign language classes today!Whether you want to communicate with deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals.