Ayushi Adarsh

Learning and sharing life


Restore Your Mental Health

In a world that constantly demands our attention and energy, self-care often falls to the wayside. We find ourselves immersed in the chaos of our daily lives, leaving little room to prioritise our own well-being. However, in the midst of our bustling schedules and ever-increasing responsibilities, it becomes imperative to recognize the significance of nurturing …

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Sex Education

 In science sex is defined as one of basic needs for human surviva. Though basic but not should be taken for granted. Humans have other basic needs as food, air and water. Recall the last time you read something related to food,air and water.

Decision Making

 In science sex is defined as one of basic needs for human surviva. Though basic but not should be taken for granted. Humans have other basic needs as food, air and water. Recall the last time you read something related to food,air and water.